Work, employment and disability

"Ratgeber barrierefreie Kommunikation" (Guide to accessible communication in German)


The Guide to accessible communication (« Ratgeber barrierefreie Kommunikation ») is only available in German for the time being. It was developped in collaboration with klaro, the office for easy to read documents of APEMH, Info-Handicap and the Ministry for Family Affairs and Integration. The guide aims at making various aspects of information more accessible (writing, design, understanding) in order to reach as many people as possible. Accessible information is also important in the field of employment and disability in order to take into account the specific needs of persons with disability and to avoid exluding them e.g. from joboffers, web pages, that offer jobs, job interviews. The guide is composed of 5 booklets: 1. Language use in the disability field 2. Writing easy to read documents 3. Receiving persons with disability without barriers 4. Accessible audio and video information, accessible presentations and events, 5. Accessible web sites and accessible documents.
Information office
65. avenue de la Gare
1611 Luxembourg